Hotel In Kodaikanal


Kodai Resort

Category : 2 star

Location : Coaker's Walk, Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu - 624 101 India.

Agency  Reservation Tél
.. + 91 11 22 72 01 72, 22 73 11 67 , Fax + 91 11 43 02 51 05

Room : 50 rooms

Accessibility :
Nearest airport is at Madurai (121 kms).  Nearest rail head is at Kodai road (80 kms).

Facilities & Services :

telephone extension, channel music, colour television, 24- hour hot/cold water supply, etc., add to your comforts. The king-size open deck with own private garden allows you to stretch out and unwind, taking in the panoramic beauty of the surroundings